Thursday, 14 February 2019

Using Drama To Check On Our Learning

In Religious Education we have been learning about God's call to Abraham and Sarah. The class decided to create a short skit in stations to demonstrate their understandings of what they have learned. Here's a quick video of their performance.

How Does Maths Occur In Our Everyday Lives?

This past week our class have been identifying the many ways that Maths and Maths language feature in our lives. Take a look at these examples from our Maths Wall.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Reading: Week 1 2019

This week we read the first chapter of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. In this chapter we learned a lot about what the Iron Man was like because the author describes him very well. He said the Iron Man was as tall as a house, his head was shaped like a dustbin and was as big as a bedroom so we know he is very big. We enjoyed the way the chapter introduced the character and want to read more because there are so many questions we need answered now. Things like where he came from, what he is doing here, who made him and more Overall we really like this book.